HEI-Lab Researcher Joins International Team to Test Innovative Psychological Intervention for Women with Breast Cancer
Diogo Carreiras, a researcher at the Mental Health and Clinical Sciences Laboratory of HEI-Lab, has published an article titled “Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an ACT and compassion-based intervention for women with breast cancer: Study protocol of two randomized controlled trials” in the Trials Journal - BioMed Central.
FCT Evaluation Panel Visits HEI-Lab
On 29 January, the HEI-Lab – Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab welcomed the evaluation panel from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) as part of the research unit assessment process.
HEI-LAB Researchers Participate in EL-SUPPORT Project Meeting in Ankara
Jorge Oliveira and Simão Luz attended the EL Support project meeting on December 4th and 5th in Ankara. This gathering brought together key stakeholders of the project to discuss progress and align future strategies.
HEI-Lab Is About to Host Innov-HEI to Tackle Research in Critical Societal Changes
HEI-Lab is organizing an event dedicated to the co-design of innovative research projects aimed at addressing critical societal challenges.
HEI Lab's Researcher Ana Beato's Article Published in Elsevier
"Protecting mothers against posttraumatic stress symptoms related to childbirth: What's the role of formal and informal support?", co-written by researcher Ana Beato, was pulished in the Elsevier platform.