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universidade lusófona


Lab Facilities

Our Physical Labs

Brain.Edge - Clinical & Translational Neuroscience Lab

Equipped with a well-prepared chamber for collecting EEG (Eye Gaze Intelligence equipment: 64 Channel Geodesic EEG System, Net Amps 400; EEG64) and peripheral data (Eye Gaze Intelligence equipment: Physio16 Input box Package). This is supported by data processing units (Net Station Software, E-Prime, MATLAB, EEGLAB, ERPLAB, Python, FSLeyes).


LabPsiCom: Computational Psychology Laboratory

Equipped with mobile devices (e.g. tablets) for non immersive exposure in mobile settings, laptops and desktops computers designated for development purposes in artificial intelligence, informatics, and computer science. It includes a data center for the development of machine learning models and subsequent statistical analysis in support of experimentation.

LabPsiDev: Development and Psychopathology Lab

Equipped with a chamber with unidirectional glass, multi subject video monitoring system for the observation and recording of human interactions, with a hyperscanning fNIR - CORTIVISION PHOTONCAP type C20, standard and baby kit, shoulder amplifier holder, and caps, for the simoultaneous collection of neuroimaging data. It is supported by stimulation, data acquisition and processing units, and software (CortiView, MATLAB, Python software). 

LabPsiExp: Experimental Psychology Laboratory

Equipped with virtual reality devices relying on mobile equipment for collecting EEG data (LIVEAMP 64 System), physiological data ( Biosignals) and eye-tracking recording systems (Tobii T60 and Tobii X3). The equipment for the development of VR scenarios consists of various VR setups, including Varjo VR-3, Vive Pro Eye, Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive Focus Plus. Some incorporate eye tracking and EEG functionalities. 

MovLab: Movement Laboratory

Focused on the development of digital products, procedures, and systems ranging from Biomechanics, Animation and Videogames to Psychology. It consists of a movement laboratory (150 m2) equipped with a Vicon Motion Capture System (20 cameras) synchronised with a force platform (AMTI-BP400600) and psychophysiological data collection devices (PLUX Biosignals for skin conductance response, heart rate and electromyography).