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universidade lusófona

Networks & Internationalization

Integration into international research teams
Member of COST Action "Perinatal mental health and birth-related trauma" (CA18211). Ana Beato
Member of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) and participating at the Mentorship Programme Ana Morais
Member of the COST ACTION CA22145 - Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage (GameTable) Ana Pinha
Planetary Limits Academic Network Ana Rita Farias
Food Behavior Lab [Full member] Ana Rita Farias
SCORAI - Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative Ana Rita Farias
Mediterranean Consumer Behavior Group Ana Rita Farias
International Collaboration to Understand Climate Action: Comparing Interventions Targeting Collective Action Against Climate Change [New York University] Ana Rita Farias
MULTIPREV: A Multi-Theory Multi-Method Approach for Preventing and Reducing Radicalization Leading to Violence. [Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, Madrid] Ana Rita Farias
MSE: The Micro and Small Enterprise Project [University of Pennsylvania] Ana Rita Farias
International consortium spearheaded by Trinity College Dublin Ana Rita Farias
International consortium spearheaded by Vigo University Ana Rita Farias
International consortium spearheaded Gazi University Ana Rita Farias
International consortium spearheaded by NATIONAL INTITUTE OF RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Romania Ana Rita Farias
International consortium spearheaded by Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands Ana Rita Farias
I am currently collaborating with Researcher Juha Holma from University of Jyväskylä, Finland Andreia Machado
I am currently collaborating with Researcher Elizabeth Bates, University of West London, UK Andreia Machado
I am currently collaborating with Researcher Ben Hine from University of West London, UK Andreia Machado
Networking with José Manuel Cárdenas Castro, Talca University (Chile) Research line: Obstetric Violence: Individual, sociocognitive and contextual factors Carla Antunes
Networking with John Grych, Marquette University (USA) Research line: Resilience portfolio: The role of multiple protective factors in the relationship between adversity and mental health Carla Antunes
Ongoing collaboration in funded projects with Dr. Ruth Feldman (Center for Developmental Social Neuroscience, Reichman University, Israel) and Dr. Simone Schütz-Bosbach (Body Social Cognition and Action Lab, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Carlos Campos
Research team on Inclusive Education, with colleagues from: University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, Germany; International Psychoanalytical University (IPU-Berlin), Germany; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, United States; University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland; and University of Virginia, USA. Célia Oliveira
Member at the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Mentorship Programme Daniela Fidalgo
Member of the International Consortium "International Survey of Childbirth-Related Trauma", INTERSECT (PI: Susan Ayers), City University of London Inês Jongenelen
Member of the International Consortium " Collaboration on Attachment Transmission Synthesis" Inês Jongenelen
Member of the European Project "Mental health and well-being among university students: a cross-country survey" Inês Jongenelen
Member of the INTERSECT - International survey of childbirth-related trauma Inês Jongenelen
Member of the “Attachment Transmission Synthesis", an International Attachment Research Group Inês Jongenelen
Member of the International Network of Psychoneroimmunology Inês Jongenelen
COST Action (CA21107) “Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization” (DIGI-net) Working Group Member (WG 2 and 3) João Mariano
M-POHL - WHO Action Network on Measuring Population and Organizational Health Literacy Jorge Oliveira
International Collaboration to Understand Climate Action: Comparing Interventions Targeting Collective Action Against Climate Change [New York University] Leonor Pereira da Costa
MULTIPREV: A Multi-Theory Multi-Method Approach for Preventing and Reducing Radicalization Leading to Violence. [Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, Madrid] Leonor Pereira da Costa
Psychological Coping in the Coronavirus Pandemic Maria José Ferreira
Member at the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Mentorship Programme Matilde Ferreira Sousa
Member of the COST ACTION CA22145 - Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage (GameTable) Micaela Fonseca
Member of the The International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research Patrícia M. Pascoal
CYBER EMJM Pedro Gamito
CYBER EMJM Pedro Gamito
I am currently collaborating with Researcher Rodrigues-Martines from Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia. We have been working on the study of bistable images using eye-tracking. This researcher has been exchanging knowledge with HEI-lab since 2019. Pedro Rosa
Member of the COST ACTION CA22145 - Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage (GameTable) Phil Lopes
HiTOP consortium Rita Pasion
A European consortium to determine how complex, real-world environments influence brain development (ENVIRO-DEV) - CA22111 Rita Pasion
Membro da Equipa na COST Action "Perinatal mental health and birth-related trauma" (CA18211). Sara Albuquerque
Member of the The International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research Shivani Atul Mansuklal
Member of the COST Action Euro-CAN - Multi-Response Sectorals to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe: Incidence and Trends (CA19106), which aims to create and boost international networks, interconnect experts and stakeholders in order to promote the development of a rigorous, consistent and comparable methodology for monitoring mistreatment data, namely administrative data, in European countries Stephanie Alves
Improving MAternal Newborn CarE in the EURO Region - IMAGINE EURO Tiago Miguel Pinto
INTERSECT - International survey of childbirth-related trauma Tiago Miguel Pinto
International Coparenting Research Group Tiago Miguel Pinto
Maternal Perinatal Stress and Adverse Outcomes in the Offspring: Maximising infants’ development (TREASURE) (CA22114; Action Chair: Rafael A. Caparros-Gonzalez). COST Action. Research Member Tiago Miguel Pinto
PNINSULA research group, CIMCYC, University of Granada Tiago O. Paiva
SAMBA research group, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Tiago O. Paiva
I am a member of the International Center for Parenting Policy and Research (ICOPAR), an international organization aimed at enhancing the understanding and promotion of healthy coparenting across countries. ICOPAR is led by Professor Mark Feinberg, from Penn State Research, a world leading researcher in the field of Family studies. Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Member of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). The Society aims to promote excellence in the scientific study of family relations in context by bringing together European family researchers. ESFR encourages scientific cooperation between family scientists from European countries and provides a forum for the international exchange of scientific knowledge concerning the family, including dissemination of the current state of the art knowledge in the field. Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Invitation for communications, seminars, classes, in European and international context
Invited talk at Séminaire NATURVI,Université de Nantes, 18 novembre: " Nature (Virtual and Real) and Well-being" Ana Loureiro
Invited to participate in an NGO Design Project Carla Cadete
ERASMUS + Staff Mobility for Training - Center for Developmental Social Neuroscience, Reichman University - 5 - 8 June 2023 (REF 2020-1-PT01-KA103-077742) Carlos Campos
Keynote Speaker AR as a Way of Added Value to Artistic Exhibition 2023 German-Chinese Media Summer Academy for Youth (MUNICH/NANJING/PRAGUE) 22-4-2023 Joao Alves de Sousa
Keynote Speaker Opportunities and Challenges in using Digital Animation and AR Technology in an Art Exhibition Moving Materials in Motion: Interdisciplinary Issues in Animation Archives Contemporary Animation Art Archive Museum 21 Dezember 2022, online, Germany - China Joao Alves de Sousa
Oral Communication Digicom 6th International Conference on Design & Digital Communication apresentação do paper Digital Animation and Augmented Reality as a way of added value to Artistic Exhibition. Session 3B: Society, Communication and design, 4 de Novembro de 2022, online, Aveiro. Joao Alves de Sousa
In between july 2022 and june 2023 I was invited for more than 10 participations in seminars, classes, and communications in european and international contexts. Patrícia M. Pascoal
Congress of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Los Angeles, USA. Pedro Gamito
Scientific committee on the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, in Lisbon (May 18 and 19). Pedro Rosa
Formadora no curso Morte e Luto no Contexto Hospitalar e da Saúde: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio Sara Albuquerque
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal Frontiers in Psychology Sara Albuquerque
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy Sara Albuquerque
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal Psychology, Community & Health Sara Albuquerque
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica Sara Albuquerque
President of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe-Iberian Chapter until April 2022 Sílvia Luís
Member of the International People Association Studies Organization Sílvia Luís
Board of the PsicAmb (Iberian Association of Environmental Psychology) Sílvia Luís
Member of SHAFE (Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments) Sílvia Luís
Guest editor of Frontiers in Psychology Sílvia Luís
Guest editor of Psyecology Sílvia Luís
Presentation of the communication "Me, yourself and we": Lessons learned from a longitudinal study with Portuguese couples transitioning to parenthood" at one Master Class organized by Professor Guy Bodenmann at the University of Zurich Stephanie Alves
Invitation to present communications and collaborate with the Systems Approach to Maladaptive Behaviour & Antisociality research group at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Tiago O. Paiva
Invitation to give a talk at the PNINSULA research group, Cimcyc, University of Granada Tiago O. Paiva
Participation in panels and European and international councils
Editora associada na revista Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana Ana Beato
Revisora Ad-hoc em revistas científicas (ex. Frontiers in Psychiatry) Ana Beato
Associate Editor - PsyEcology Ana Loureiro
Editor - Frontiers / Environmental Psychology Ana Loureiro
Board member - PSICAMB/Asociación de Psicología Ambiental Ana Loureiro
Grant to participate at: COST Action (CA18138) - Research Innovation and Sustainable Pan-European Network in Peripartum Depression Disorder - Riseup-PPD co-located activities in Seville. "Workshop/Trainning on Sensory Processing and Infant Neurodevelopment and "Workshop on Ethical Aspects of Infants Neurodevelopment Assessment: Research and Treatment. Ana Morais
Grant to participate at: Riseup-PPD's COST Action (CA18138) 9th Training School in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 18 to 20 September 2023. Ana Morais
nternational consortium spearheaded Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, Germany Ana Rita Farias
European Commission: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 [External Expert: Evaluator and Rapporteur] Ana Rita Farias
HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01[External Expert European Commision: Evaluator] Ana Rita Farias
HORIZON-MISS-2023-CANCER-01 [External Expert European Commision: Evaluator] Ana Rita Farias
HORIZON-CL6-2022 [External Expert European Commision: Evaluator] Ana Rita Farias
International Journal of Entrepreneurship [Editorial Board] Ana Rita Farias
Editorial Review Board Human Behavior & Emerging Technologies [Editorial Review Board] Ana Rita Farias
International Journal of Consumer Studies [Ad-Hoc Reviewer] Ana Rita Farias
Scientific Reports [Ad-Hoc Reviewer] Ana Rita Farias
Fronteirs in Psychology [Guest Editor] Ana Rita Farias
Psych [Board Reviewer] Ana Rita Farias
Expert for the EIT Culture & Creativity Ana Rita Farias
Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Psychology of Men & Masculinitity Andreia Machado
Member of COST Action CA22128 - Establishing Networks to Implement the Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations (IMPLEMENDEZ) Implemendez Andreia Machado
Member of COST Action CA20137 - Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES) Andreia Machado
Member of the International Families Alliance Andreia Machado
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication [ad_Hoc Reviewer] Andreia Pinto de Sousa
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Bruno Faustino
Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience Bruno Faustino
Revisora Ad-hoc em revistas científicas (ex. Journal of Interpersonal Violence) Carla Antunes
The Design Principles and Practices Journal [ad_Hoc Reviewer] Carla Cadete
The IAFOR [ad_Hoc Reviewer] Carla Cadete
Fronteirs in Psychology [Board Reviewer] Célia Ferreira
Member of the External Evaluation Committee of the High Education Agency of Cape Verde (Agência Reguladora do Ensino Superior, ARES) for Psychology and other Social Sciences Inês Jongenelen
Scientific Commitee Member DiGRA 2023 International conference 19-23 June 2023 Sevilla, Spain Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member FDG23 – Foundations of Digital Games 2023, 11-14 April Lisbon, Portugal Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member of Book "Perspectives on Design Research III” –Springer Series in Design and Innovation ISBN: 978-3-030-79879-6, 2022 Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member Digicom 6th International Conference on Design & Digital Communication, Novembro de 2022, Aveiro. Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member Digicom 2021 (Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave) Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member Glow 2021 Games and Social Impact Media Reseach Lab Conference (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,2021) Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member Volume 13 (2) International Journal of Psychological Research (Colombia, 2020) Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member FCAATI, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte (Universidade Lusófona do Porto, desde 2019) Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member MILT Conference Media Literacy for Living Together (Lisboa, 2019) Joao Alves de Sousa
Scientific Commitee Member Master in Comunicação Redes e Tecnologias e Doutoramento em Arte dos Media (desde 2016) Joao Alves de Sousa
Frontiers in Psychology: Review Editor of the Editorial Board of Psychology of Aging João Mariano
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) Jorge Oliveira
Project review for the Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke. Jorge Oliveira
Participation in the second Transnational Project Meeting for the Erasmus+ (KA220) project ELSUPPORT where COFAC is a partner organization. Jorge Oliveira
In between july 2022 and july 2023 I have acted in 6 editorial boards (Q1 and Q2), one of them as Associate Editor and the other as Deputy Editor in Chief. I have a member of the board or scientific committees or special interest groups of circa 7 international societies in the field of Clinical and helath psychology, mainly in sexual health and CBT interventions. Patrícia M. Pascoal
Deputy Editor in Chief in Sexual Medicine Open Access Patrícia M. Pascoal
Associate Editor Frontiers in psychology, Psychology in Clinical Settings Patrícia M. Pascoal
Editorial Board Member- Journal of Sex Research Patrícia M. Pascoal
Editorial Board Member- Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy Patrícia M. Pascoal
Editorial boarde Mmeber- International Journal of Sexual health Patrícia M. Pascoal
Scientific Council ORPEA Group Pedro Gamito
Associate editor - Frontiers in Psychology Pedro Gamito
Associate editor - Virtual Reality Pedro Gamito
Editorial Board - Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking Pedro Gamito
Guest Editor . VR Journal special issue on Virtual Reality for Therapy, Psychological Interventions, and Physical and Cognitive Rehabilitation Pedro Gamito
Guest Editor - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Special Issue “Effects of Virtual Reality on Cognitive Rehabilitation Pedro Gamito
Guest Editor - Frontiers in Virtual Reality special issue in The Third Wave of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Compassion-Based Interventions Delivered by VR and Other 2D to 4D Technologiesassessment of cognitive and functional capacities Pedro Gamito
Advisory Board. eCARE- Digital solutions for frailty prevention in old adults project. Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856960 Pedro Gamito
Advisory Board. FAITh: Feeling SAfe to Transact Online In the Third Age. Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 621403-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN. Pedro Gamito
Board of Directors of ORPEA's International Scientific Council Pedro Gamito
Scientific committee of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2022 Pedro Rosa
Member of the Society for Psychophysiological Research Pedro Rosa
Review editor in the journal " Psychology for Clinical Settings" - Frontiers Pedro Rosa
Associate editor at the journal "Psicologia" Pedro Rosa
Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Traumatic Stress Ricardo Pinto
Scientific Committee of 2024 HiTOP conference Rita Pasion
SRA-E Iberian Chapter Board Member - Official (since 14 April 2023) Samuel Domingos
SRA-E Iberian Chapter Board Member - Student Representative (until 14 April 2023) Samuel Domingos
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal PLOS ONE Samuel Domingos
4th SRA-E Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting - Member of the Scientific Committee Samuel Domingos
Review Editor - Frontiers in Psychology (Environmental Psychology section) Samuel Domingos
Guest Editor na revista International journal of environmental research and public health Sara Albuquerque
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal PsyEcology Sara Albuquerque
Member of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe Sílvia Luís
Member of the ICOPAR - International Center for Parenting Policy and Research , Policy group Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación - e Avaliação Psicológica (Ad-hoc reviewer) Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Revista Psicologia (Ad-hoc reviewer) Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Society for Couple and Family Psychology (member) Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice (member) Teresa Pompeu Mendes
European Pediatric Psychology network (member) Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Guest Editor - Frontiers in Virtual Reality special issue in The Third Wave of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Compassion-Based Interventions Delivered by VR and Other 2D to 4D Technologiesassessment of cognitive and functional capacities Ana Beato
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia [Consultant] Ana Rita Farias
Erasmus+ in Finland Andreia Machado
Member of the International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) Andreia Manão
Erasmus+ [Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic / Mobility Trainning] Carla Cadete
Erasmus+ [Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam] Carla Cadete
[Chair] The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education (ECADE2022), The University of Porto, July 10, 2022 Carla Cadete
[Chair] The 2nd Paris Conference on Education (PCE2023) June 16-19, 2023 Carla Cadete
Mobility Action to University of Ganada, Spain (10th to 15th July 2023) for: - Development of collaboration in research on the field of neuropsychological correlates in intimate partner violence; - Increase of international research collaboration for the PhD Program in Clinical Psychology. Inês Jongenelen
Invited expert - UniEd for Global Goals: 2020 -1-FR01-KA202-080248, ERASMUS+, (Tandem Plus Network) - LEARNING MOBILITY PROJECT - MOBILITY OF YOUTH WORKERS, promoted by ISUM - Institute for Professional Development of Youth, Zagreb - Croatia (03/10/2022 a 07/10/2022) Isabel Figueiredo Santos
Invited expert - UniEd for Global Goals: 2020 -1-FR01-KA202-080248 (ANJAF) - ERASMUS+, Joint training activity - Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training, CIEP Hainaut Centre, Mons Belgium (27/03/2023 a 31/03/2023) Isabel Figueiredo Santos
Guest Editor for a special issue at Frontiers in Psychology Joana Costa do Carmo
Conference Chairman Playful By Design Universidade Lusófona, University of Illinois, Uppsala University, Jan 8th 2024 Joao Alves de Sousa
Conference Chairman Playful By Design Universidade Lusófona, ISLA-Gaia, University of Illinois. Jan 10th 2023 Joao Alves de Sousa
Playful by Design - Colaboration Agreement with Illinois University - Can be expanded to Uppsalla and Other Universities Joao Alves de Sousa
I am a member of Eurossex, the research network for sex researchers. I belong to two COST Actions: Cost Action CA18124- European Sexual Medicine Network. Membro da Cost Action CA19117 - Researcher Mental Health (ReMO) Patrícia M. Pascoal
Member of the Committee on Psychological and Interpersonal Dimensions of Sexual Function and Dysfunction da International Consultation on Sexual Medicine da International Society for Sexual Medicine Patrícia M. Pascoal
Chair of ICDVRAT 2022 Pedro Gamito
Co-chair: COST Action e-STEP (CA19104) International Meeting Pedro Gamito
Reviewer at the : the Journal of Sexual Medicine International Journal of Psychological Research Acta Psychologica Frontiers Pedro Rosa
Membro Juri Tese Doutoramento Paula Racca Segamarchi, Universidade Paula Racca Segamarchi. 8 Fevereiro 2023 Saúde mental de Puérperas durante a pandemia de covid-19 no brasil: prevalência de Sintomas clínicos de depressão e ansiedade, fatores de risco e Experiências perinatais. Raquel Costa
I have been working with Dr. Alytia Levendosky, from Michigan State University, in Conceptualization, Methodology, and Original draft preparation of papers. Ricardo Pinto
I have been working with Dr. Julian Ford, from the University of Connecticut, in Conceptualization, Methodology, and Original draft preparation of papers. Ricardo Pinto
Produção de conteúdos e aplicativos digitais, with funding from Apart of me charity – UK: Safer place project – development of a digital tool to help young bereaved and traumatized people (and parents) in the context of the Ukraine war Sara Albuquerque
UK National Health System comission to Apart of Me [Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered with the Charity] Sara Albuquerque
Teacher in CU Brain, Mind and Behavior | Programme. CYBER: Cyberspace, Behaviour and E-therapy Erasmus Mundus Joint Mater Degre Teresa Souto
Vice-coordinator (Lusofóna University) Programme. CYBER: Cyberspace, Behaviour Teresa Souto
Member of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Tiago Miguel Pinto
Member of the International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health Tiago Miguel Pinto
Member of ICOPAR - International Center for Parenting Policy and Research Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Member of Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Member of Society for Couple and Family Psychology Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Ad-hoc reviewer for Personality and Individual Differences Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Ad-hoc reviewer for Revista Psicologia Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Ad-Hoc reviewer for Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación - e Avaliação Psicológica Teresa Pompeu Mendes
Member of European Pediatric Psychology Network Teresa Pompeu Mendes