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universidade lusófona


Awards & Distinctions

Our researchers have been attributed the following prizes:

Type of award / distinctionImpactAuthor/sTitle of the awardEvent / Institution who awardsURL
Publication Award International Raquel Costa, Tiago Pinto, Bárbara Figueiredo Best Research Article with a Practice Focus Award Paper awarded with the 2022 Journal of Human Lactation  
Prize International Pedro Gamito Lifetime Achievement Award International Association of CyberPsychology, Training & Rehabilitation
Distinction International Rui Gaspar Fellow of the Society for Risk Analysis Society for Risk Analysis
Distinction National Rita Pasion Early Career Award UTAD  
Poster Award International Pascoal, P. Rosa, P. J., & Coelho, S. F1000 Poster Prizes European Society for Sexual Medicine
Poster Award National Gonçalves, A. & Rosa, P.J Best poster in Clinical and Health Psychology EPCV/ULHT
Project Award National Rosa P.J, Carvalho, M. Prémio da Boas Práticas de Investigação no Ensino na 2ª edição Programa Fazer+ 2021 ILIND/ ULHT
Distinction International Tomás, C. & Rosa, P. J. JORH article of the year (2021) Journal of Religion and Health (JORH)
Prize National Fábio Dias, Tiago Abril Prémio Inovação na Intervenção Psicológica Innovation Hub 2023/ Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Prize International Fábio Dias Best Non-Game App; 5th Prize 2023 PICO Dev Jam/ PICO | Intel
Prize International Domingos, S., Bruine de Bruin, W., Gaspar, R., & Marôco, J. Best Student Paper Award 28th Annual Conference of The Society for Risk Analysis – Europe (2019) / Society for Risk Analysis – Europe
Poster Award International Gaspar, R., Simão, C., Farias, A. R., Domingos, S., Mateus, S., & Duarte, I. SRA-E Iberian Best Poster Award 2nd SRA-E Iberian Chapter Meeting / SRA-E Iberian Chapter
Prize International Domingos, S., Gaspar, R., Marôco, J., & Bruine de Bruin, W. Ortwin Renn Prize for Applied Risk Research 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis – Europe / Society for Risk Analysis – Europe
Prize International Domingos, S., Gaspar, R., Marôco, J., & Bruine de Bruin, W. IV Rocío Martín Herreros Award for Research in Environmental Psychology (ex-aequo) XIV Congresso de Psicología Ambiental / Environmental Psychology Association – PSICAMB
Prize International Jorge Oliveira Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado Universidad de Salamanca  
Publication Award National Sílvia Luís Scientific Research Awards in 2019 Iscte  
Publication Award National Sílvia Luís Honorable Mention for Research conducted at the Universidade de Lisboa in 2020. Universidade de Lisboa  
Prize National Teresa Souto Prémio de Investigação 2020 Universidade Lusófona do Porto  
Project Award National Teresa Mendes e Associação de Pais de Pombal 2.ª edição do Concurso das Academias Gulbenkian do Conhecimento. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Publication Award International Phil Lopes The 2024 IEEE Transactions in Games Best Paper Award IEEE
FAZER + 2022 Award National Carla Cadete, Andreia Pinto de Sousa, João Alves de Sousa, Inês Aleixo, Lucimére Bohn FAZER + 2022 Award Best Innovative Pedagogical Practice
Best European paper award EHMA International Tânia Gaspar Best European paper award EHMA European Health Management Association (EHMA),
Poster Award International Pascoal, P. M., Rosa, P.J., & Coelho, S. Best poster 21st World Meeting of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the 20th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal.
Distinction International Patrícia M. Pascoal Cerificate of Appreciation for outstanding contribution to the field of Sexual Medicine in 2022 International Society for Sexual Medicine
Distinction National Patrícia M. Pascoal Sócia Honorária 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica
Recognition International Patrícia M. Pascoal Article linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Elsevier/Scopus

Ágata Salvador was awarded FAZER+ "Boas Práticas de Investigação no Ensino" with the project The Hei-Lab Studio - Experiential Museum of Psychology. This project, aiming to adapt classic experiences of Psychology to the digital context, supports the active involvement of Psychology students in research activities, promoting their close relation and collaboration with the research center of their school and encouraging collaborative work with other fields (Videogames and Design).

Micaela Fonseca, an integrated member of Hei-Lab, was awarded the Santander/NOVA Collaborative Research Award for the Com@Rehab of which she is principal investigator. The multidisciplinary project fosters synergies in areas such as Linguistics, Technology and Medicine and has as main objective the development of the Digital Communication Module (MCD Rehab) of an interactive rehabilitation solution in Virtual Reality.

HEI-Lab Director, Pedro Gamito, was awarded with the Life Achievement Award at the 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference. “This award has a tradition of honoring a person who has demonstrated outstanding lifetime achievements in the fields of advanced technologies and healthcare. It is the highest honor given by our community.”