The second EPIC-WE Game Jam running from April 29th until May 2nd
With the theme "Sustainability and Biodiversity - Óbidos Lagoon", this Game Jam is an exciting fusion between video games, culture and creative industries, associating the sustainability and biodiversity of the Óbidos Lagoon, one of the natural landmarks associated with Óbidos.
HEI-Lab researcher receives Outstanding Paper Award - IEEE Transactions on Games
Phil Lopes and HEI-Lab researchers received an award for their research into horror games.
Evento "AI and Games: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Game Industry"
O novo Mestrado de Inteligência Artificial em Jogos, em conjunto com o Mestrado de Game Design e Playful Media e o Mestrado Europeu Replay, organizam o evento "AI and Games: How AI is Changing the Game Industry".
EPIC-WE Pre-Game Jam – Theme Reveal
On April 12th, the EPIC-WE Project held a "Pre-Game Jam - Theme Reveal" at Lusófona University, in room S.0.10.
Estudantes do HEI-Lab recebem bolsa da International Summer School on Artificial Intelligence and Games
Ana Pinha e Maria Costa, estudantes e investigadoras do HEI-Lab, receberam a Innovation at Keyword Studios Scholarship para estarem presentes na edição de 2024 da International Summer School on Artificial Intelligence and Games.