Neurophysiological bases of decision-making processes: Dissociating risk and uncertainty in the human brain |
Project Reference
Start / End
01/06/2021 (31 months)
Funding Programme
BIAL Foundation
Funding (Total)
41 000,00 €
Heilab Funding
0,00 €
Leading Partner
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
This project aims to study the neurophysiological bases of decision-making under uncertainty. By experimentally dissociating risk and ambiguity during an economic decision-making task, we will provide a multilevel assessment of their processing, complementing behavioural data with neurophysiological correlates.tiago
If successful, the smartphone application will be commercialised by two companies in the project consortium – in one case as modules in an existing online psychology platform and, in another, as a standalone app. The smartphone application will remain available for use free of charge to academic, medical, and patient associations associated with the project.