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universidade lusófona

HEI-Lab Researchers Present Findings from the European Project BioLaMer at the XVII Environmental Psychology Congress PSICAMB



Professors from Universidade Lusófona, Ana Loureiro, Sílvia Luís, and Samuel Domingos, attended the XVII Environmental Psychology Congress (PSICAMB), which took place at the University of Málaga from 3rd to 6th February 2025. The event brought together over 300 authors from 11 countries, presenting the findings of 165 research studies.

At the congress, Sílvia Luís and Samuel Domingos, researchers from the Behaviour and Social Change in Context Laboratory at HEI-Lab, presented the papers "Biopolymer production: Market opportunities, challenges and consumer acceptance” and "Portuguese media representations of sustainable products: The case of bioplastics. Their presentations highlighted the main challenges in the production and commercialisation of bioplastics, offering recommendations to overcome them. They also emphasised the need to clarify definitions and dispel common misconceptions consumers have about these products, which are often reinforced by the media.

Research from the Be Green (Erasmus+) and BiolaMer (Horizon) projects was also presented. The scientific journal PsyEcology will publish a special edition featuring selected papers. During the congress, the Rocío Martín Award was granted to Sofía Moreno, a PhD student at the University of La Laguna, for her poster "Dime qué es la naturaleza y te diré quién eres”.

Additionally, members of the Environmental Psychology Association (PSICAMB) ratified the new Executive Board, led by Professor José Antonio Corraliza from the Autonomous University of Madrid, who aims to strengthen the internationalisation of the association and enhance the communication of research findings. Among the members of the new board is Professor Ana Loureiro from Universidade Lusófona.

The next congress will be held at the University of the Basque Country in 2027.

Link to the Congress:


Contact details of the researchers: 

Ana Loureiro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sílvia Luís: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Samuel Domingos: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Os professores da Universidade Lusófona Ana Loureiro, Sílvia Luís e Samuel Domingos estiveram presentes no XVII Congresso de Psicologia Ambiental PSICAMB, que decorreu na Universidade de Málaga de 3 a 6 de fevereiro de 2025, reunindo mais de 300 autores de 11 países e apresentando os resultados de 165 trabalhos de investigação.

No evento, Sílvia Luís e Samuel Domingos, investigadores do Laboratório Behavior and Social Change in Context do HEI-Lab, apresentaram as comunicações “Biopolymer production: Market opportunities, challenges and consumer acceptance” e “Portuguese media representations of sustainable products: The case of bioplastics”. Os investigadores destacaram os desafios da produção e comercialização de bioplásticos, avançando com recomendações para os ultrapassar, e sublinharam a necessidade de clarificar definições e desmistificar crenças erróneas dos consumidores, frequentemente reforçadas pelos media.

Foram também apresentados trabalhos no âmbito dos projetos Be Green (Erasmus+) e BiolaMer (Horizon). A revista científica PsyEcology publicará uma edição especial com trabalhos selecionados. Durante o congresso, foi atribuído o Prémio Rocío Martín a Sofía Moreno, estudante de doutoramento da Universidade de La Laguna, pelo seu poster “Dime qué es la naturaleza y te diré quién eres”.

Além disso, os membros da Associação de Psicologia Ambiental (PSICAMB) ratificaram a nova Direção, liderada pelo Professor José Antonio Corraliza, da Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, que pretende intensificar a internacionalização da associação e a comunicação dos estudos desenvolvidos. Entre os membros da nova direção está a Professora Ana Loureiro, da Universidade Lusófona.

O próximo congresso terá lugar na Universidade do País Basco em 2027.


Link para o Congresso:


Contactos dos investigadores:

Ana Loureiro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sílvia Luís: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Samuel Domingos: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.