HEI-Lab's Key Participation in the Portuguese Psychologists Association 6th Congress

HEI-Lab - Human-environment Interaction Lab, from Universidade Lusófona, has been a key participant at the 6th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Association. With it's researchers actively participating in this event in various ways.
HEI-Lab researchers actively participated in this congress, showing their projects, presenting seminars and mediating many roundtables.
As part of the XIII Ibero-American Congress and the 6th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Association (PPA), Universidade Lusófona/HEI-Lab hosted a series of in-person visits to the lab, during which innovative projects in the field of psychology were presented. The projects that were presented during these visits, stood out both for their relevance in scientific research and for the development of complementary tools for psychological intervention, using the latest technologies.
See our gallery bellow.