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universidade lusófona

Experiential Museum of Psychology


This application aims to replicate the classic experiment in Psychology - Social Conformism (Asch, 1951) and add new experimental conditions to study the role of the threat of contagion of a disease on conformity behaviour (Murray & Schaller, 2011). This study also aims to develop and make available innovative and interactive pedagogical tools representative of this experiment. The project Hei-Lab Studio: Virtual Museum was recognized with the Fazer + Award "Good Research Practices in Education".

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This study aims to replicate in digital context the classic experiment of the Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957), and in parallel, to develop and make available innovative and interactive pedagogical tools representative of this experiment. The project Hei-Lab Studio: Virtual Museum was recognized with the Fazer + Award "Good Research Practices in Education".

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Lady in Distress

Digital adaptation of "Lady in distress" (Latané & Rodin, 1969), which is one of the most influential experiments in Psychology. This scenario offers an opportunity to examine bystander-effect in a three-dimensional, immersive, and multi-sensorial environment, where users witness a simulated emergency (an avatar falls). This app could be used to examine the user's actions (i.e., likelihood to help the victim) while creating variations in the environment (e.g., number of passive bystanders).

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Inattentional blindness

Digital adaptation of "Inattentional blindness" study by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris (1999).

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