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universidade lusófona



Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility

Project Reference


Start / End

01/02/2023 (36 months)



Funding Programme


Funding (Total)

237 452,72 €

Heilab Funding

237 452,72 €

Leading Partner

Filipe Luz (HEI-Lab)


COFAC (U Lusófona) | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


Games are a relevant field for media and communication studies, and game design and play can be studied as communication. Games and play as culture have been highly-relevant for issues of inclusion and representation, which fit the study of games as communication. This project will research means for inclusion through games, making media and communication the most relevant field of study for the project. The focus on disability is also relevant from the standpoint of media and communications, considering the most recent models of socially constructed ableism. The creation of a game for disability is often handled through technology-related fields together with fields more directly related to healthcare. However, these studies have repeatedly exposed the need to consider people with disabilities in their agency as persons as opposed to medical models. A media and communications perspective allows for the social and cultural agency of people with disabilities to be properly considered.

PI @ HEI-Lab