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universidade lusófona




RUMOS - A teoria, a ciência e a prática do caminhar e o seu contributo para consciencialização sobre o património ambiental e educação  territorial   COFAC/ILIND 5 000,00 €
Anthesis - A transdiagnostic approach to sexual distress: testing a pilot online intervention (ref: 09087.PTDC_2022) FCT 49 965,65 €
a-STEP - Advancing Social inclusion through Technology and EmPowerment (ref: CA19104) Horizon Europe  
ALQUI - An intelligent chatbot to explore new literacies in the age of algorithms and AI COFAC/ILIND 14 806,00 €
The Empathic Heart - An Interoceptive Predictive Processing Framework of Empathy BIAL 54 500,00 €
AH_While We Wait - Animation for Health and Wellbeing in Hospital Waiting Spaces COFAC/ILIND 37 044,00 €
TechMap - Assessment of minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy COFAC/ILIND 49 782,13 €
Blind Game - Online gambling activities among young people LaCaixa 30 000,00 €
If The Child Cannot Learn The Way You Teach, Then You Should Teach Him The Way He Learned Erasmus + 26 683,00 €
Coparenting across countries International 0,00 €
Be-green - Beauty has never been so green Erasmus+ 7 800,00 €
Dissociating risk and uncertainty in decision-making: A neuroeconomic approach (ref: EXPL/EGE-ECO/1265/2021) FCT 50 000,00 €
Chronic Post-Stroke Pain: Neuroimage and Emotional Regulation bolsa da Fundação Grünenthal 2021 10 000,00 €
Dropout - Dropout in higher education: Psychosocial, economical and contextual correlates in post-pandemic era La Caixa 25 000,00 €
Ecosystems for healthy working and learning environments National 16 000,00 €
MtG-EdPrison  - Mind the Gap: Education and social (re)integration after imprisonmentrisonment (ref: FP22-2B165) LaCaixa 25 000,00 €
EPIC-WE - Empowered Participation through Ideating Cultural Worlds and Environments: youth imagining, creating and exchanging cultural values and heritage through game-making (ref: 101095058) Horizon Europe 315 239,00 €
GameIn - Games Inclusion Lab: Participatory Media Creation Processes for Accessibility (ref: 2022.07939.PTDC) FCT 200 550,13 €
Gravidez Interocetiva: Será que o aumento da interoceção durante a gravidez e fase inicial da parentalidade prediz a ligação e interação bebé-cuidador? (ref: 2022.01784.PTDC) FCT 49 982,91 €
Health Behaviour School Aged Children /WHO National 20 000,00 €
HEI-Lab - Hei-Lab  - Base (ref: UIDB/05380/2020) FCT 458 800,00 €
HEI-Lab - Hei-Lab  - Programático (ref: UIDp/05380/2021) FCT 10 000,00 €
INTRO - INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL LEARNING (ref: KA202-B54E9201) Erasmus + 35 150,00 €
Immersive Process-Based Assessment: The role of non-verbal COFAC/ILIND 14 837,00 €
Improving MAternal Newborn CarE in the EURO Region International 0,00 €
BENDIt-EU - Burnout education, normatives and digital tools for European Universities (ref: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080261) Erasmus+ 26 540,00 €
International survey of childbirth-related trauma International 0,00 €
Cyber+ - CYBER -  EMJMD (ref: Project 101048710) Erasmus+ 4 240 800,00 €
Mental health and well-being among university students: a cross-country survey International 40 000,00 €
FEMglocal - Movimentos feministas glocais: interações e contradições (ref: PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021) FCT 241 534,05 €
Neurophysiological bases of decision-making processes: Dissociating risk and uncertainty in the human brain (ref: PT/FB/BL-2020-252) BIAL 41 000,00 €
riverChild - Participação das Crianças na Preservação do Rio: Cidades mais Inclusivas e Resilientes COFAC/ILIND 15 000,00 €
P2LINK - Perception-Production Link in Early Infancy: A language acquisition oral-motor intervention study (ref: PTDC/LLT-LIN/1115/2021) Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 0,00 €
Personality, Adult Attachment and Emotional regulation to decision-making in first responders: virtual simulation of a critical medical emergency COFAC/ILIND 19 403,00 €
PlayersAll - Media agency and empowerment (ref: EXPL/COM-OUT/0882/2021) FCT 49 815,58 €
Pre-attentional processing of romantic versus sexually explicit stimuli: evidence from a continuous flash suppression task International 18 000,00 €
Preventing prolonged grief: Effectiveness and predictors of outcome in a palliative care selective intervention APPsyCI do ISPA  21 331,00 €
DYS-COTECH - DYS-COTECH (ref: TR01-KA210-ADU-000050226) Erasmus+ 60 000,00 €
BioLaMer - Proof of principle fly larvae biorefinery for biopolymer plastic production Horizon Europe 316 560,00 €
Childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and mother-infant neurophysiological and behavioral co-regulation during dyadic interaction: a longitudinal study FCT 49 953,63 €
Status Fit - Multi-level Mapping of Children’s Vulnerability to Social Class-Based Discrimination LaCaixa 29 997,00 €
Anathema - Technology for ageless sexual health (ref: AAL-2020-7-133-CP) Financiamento AAL Agência de financiamento: FCT. 904 899,07 €
The Low-Fear Factor in Psychopathy and Agression: A new virtual-reality task to decompose fear deficits in psychopathy (ref: EXPL/PSI-GER/1498/2021) FCT 50 000,00 €
ELSUPPORT Erasmus+ 28 565,00 €
Transdiagnostic factors and sexual distress: a preliminary study with a clinical sample European Society for Sexual medicine 29 814,00 €
UCORE - Ubiquitous cOmposite multi sensing and REsponsive meaning fulness multi contexts ILIND/COFAC 14 946,88 €
WeARTolerance - Using an arts-based program to reduce mental-health-related stigma in young people (ref: SR22-00505) La Caixa 86 827,06 €
YouNDigital - Youth, News, and Digital Citizenship FCT 212 891,30 €
A língua que habito, o mundo que construo. (ref: PE-CEIED-3/001/2022) COFAC/ILIND 4 500,00 €
Taking care of those who take care of us! DGS 20 000,00 €
NEWCREA - Innovative Creative Multiple Therapy Methods for morbidities (ref: FR01-KA227-ADU-095002) Erasmus+ 16 450,00 €
LearnArch - Teaching Tool for Architecture Learning (ref: 2022-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000100481) Erasmus+ 20 000,00 €
PRotoTYPe - Preventing School-Based Bullying by Creating Early Prevention Programme (ref: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000032708) Erasmus+ 25 554,00 €
SUSINCHAIN - SUStainable INsect CHAIN (ref: 10.3030/861976) H2020 200 383,75 €
Realidad Social de los jóvenes en Portugal (ref: FP22_1B) La Caixa 25 000,00 €
FILMeu - European University Alliance for Film and Media Erasmus+  
CEEC Inst Ana Rita Farias - CEEC Inst Ana Rita Farias FCT 287 917,56 €
CEEC Inst Joana do Carmo - CEEC Inst Joana do Carmo FCT 287 917,56 €
Investigador HEI-Lab João Mariano (ref: Invs - HEI-Lab)   41 825,49 €
RE_PLAY - EUROPEAN JOINT MASTERS IN GAME  |   (ref: 101128161) Erasmus+ 4 489 200 €
Marta Barata (PHD) - Promoting individual adaptation to extreme heat weather events: The role of affective and socio-cognitive factors in situational appraisals of challenge or threat. FCT 59 040,00 €
Sofia Pedro (PHD) - Promoting individual adaptation to extreme heat weather events: The role of affective and socio-cognitive factors in situational appraisals of challenge or threat. FCT 59 040,00 €

Project Reference

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Funding Programme

Funding (Total)

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PI @ HEI-Lab

Team Members