FEMOFFENCE - The myth of innocence: A mixed methods approach toward the understanding of female sexual offending behavior | FCT | 127.993,70€ |
AUTOMOTIVE: AUTOmatic multiMOdal drowsiness detecTIon for smart VEhicles (AAC nº 02SAICT2017) | FCT | 238.786,63€ |
MarNoruega/0002/2016 - Changing uses and values of marine ecosystem services in the Norwegian Arctic project | FCT | 150.000€ |
Prize of BPI Seniores ( for the project "Combater a demência com Realidade Virtual" | BPI | 32.000€ |
OPP: Ethical decision-making training with VR | OPP | 5.400€ |
iDEAL: immersive VR as a tool to help individuals with autism deal with change. HEI-Lab wins Erasmus+ grant to design, test, and publish an innovative immersive VR technology/game as a tool to help individuals with ASD to acquire and develop the skills and key competences to deal with change in their daily life and routine (2020-1-DK01-KA204). | EU | 209.742€ |
Digital Tool For Mentorship Against Dropout. (2020-KA201-48CBD814). | EU | 160.845€ |
Escola de Verão: Cognição e Videojogos para a Pandemia - CVP20 | FCT | 26.126€ |
D'AR-TE: prevenção de situações de (re)incidência da agressão em jovens (POISE-39-2019-11). | POISE | 39.900€ |