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Sílvia Luís

U Lusófona - Lisboa
  • Scientific Council
  • Integrated PHD Researcher

Sílvia Luís completed her PhD in social psychology in 2011 by Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia. She is an assistant professor at Universidade Lusófona, where she is sub-director of the master in Organizational and Social Psychology. Her research interests focus on how psychosocial variables (e.g., risk perception, management support) shape the person-environment interaction in general and in organizational context in particular; and on the implications of this interaction for people (personal, adaptation to contextual changes) and for the environment (individual practices, public policy, sustainability in organizations). Since 2013, she has been granted 3 pos-doctoral fellowships in European projects, was coprincipal investigator in a private project, and became principal investigator of another project . She further coordinated the cross-cutting thematic line SCOPE CIS-IUL: sustainable communities, organizations and places. She has published more than 20 articles in journals that granted her annual scientific awards. She also published 2 book chapters and 2 books and organised 5 scientific international events. Sílvia Luís is also President of the Iberian chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe (2018-2023) and was an alternate member of the Specialty board of Work, Social, and Organisational Psychology in Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP; 2016-2020). In 2016 Sílvia Luís has been recognized as a specialist in work, social, and organizational psychology, and in community psychology (OPP).