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Shivani Atul Mansuklal

- PHD Student
Shivani Atul Mansuklal, BSc, MSc, is a first-stage scholarship researcher financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) at HEI-Lab: Digital Human-Environment Interaction Labs, PhD student in Clinical Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioural Orientation, and Invited Assistant Lecturer at Lusófona University. Her current research interests are under the scope of internet-delivered CBT-based interventions with a particular focus on mental health, specifically Maladaptive Daydreaming, in emerging adults. She is an ICMDR international research group member. She has co-authored 5 published studies in specialized journals, is an author and co-author of several conference papers, and has participated in at least 5 scientific events. She has been a scholarship research assistant in 4 financed research projects and volunteer in 2 others.