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universidade lusófona
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Pedro Gamito

U Lusófona - Lisboa
  • Director
  • Scientific Council
  • Board of Directors
  • Integrated PHD Researcher

Pedro Gamito earned his PhD in Built and Human Environment from the University of Salford (UK) in 2002 and the title of Aggregate in Rehabilitation from the University of Lisbon in 2012. He currently holds the position of Full Professor and Head of Programme of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CYBER: Cyberspace, Behaviour, and e-Therapy at University Lusófona. He is also the director of the Research Centre - HEI-Lab ¿ Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab. Since 2004, Pedro has been actively involved in the development, validation, and application of various virtual reality applications for the treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as for the cognitive stimulation of patients with stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Substance Use Disorders. Pedro has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed papers and has contributed to more than 10 funded research and development projects. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Virtual Reality Journal and Frontiers in Psychology | Cognitive Science Journal, as well as an Editor for the Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking Journal. Pedro has led four special issues and is actively involved in prominent professional associations within his field. He has chaired five international conferences and participates in program committees for major conferences in his area of expertise. Pedro also sits on two Horizon Europe¿s Advisory Boards and serves as an EU expert in several EU projects. Pedro's virtual reality applications are currently utilized on a daily basis in the two largest psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals in Portugal, as well as in more than 10 other institutions. At University Lusófona, Pedro has been elected to various councils including the University Council, University Scientific Council, and the scientific and pedagogical councils of his school. Since 2023, he has been also a member of the ORPEA Group¿s Board of Directors of International Scientific Council. In recognition of his contributions, Pedro was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award.